Colloidal Silver Dosage (UK)
*** For US customer, please refer to this page as colloidal silver has not been evaluated by the FDA. ***
Colloidal silver is a powerful antiseptic that, according to Dr Margraf, can destroy over 650 pathogens. Generally speaking, silver can be effective against infectious diseases, including against microbes such as viruses, bacteria or fungi. Colloidal silver also has cellular regenerative properties, and can thus facilitate the healing of wounds, for example. In other cases, colloidal silver may not be the best option. Care must be taken in choosing the right route by which to administer it in order to ensure maximum effectiveness.
There are three routes of administration: internal, external and nebulisation.
Internal: It is recommended that the solution be left under the tongue for one minute prior to ingesting it. Also, the solution must be taken at least 15 minutes before eating.
External: It is recommended that it be sprayed on the skin disorder at least three times per day. Leave it to dry naturally.
Nebulisation: A maximum of three nebulisations of up to 15 minutes per day is recommended. Should you cough, add a little sea salt to it and shake.
Complying with the proper dose is also important in order to ensure the innocuousness of the colloidal silver. When using it for its preventative properties, it should be calculated at 0.14ml per kilo per day, or 10ml for a person weighing 70kg. When using it for its curative properties, it should be calculated at 0.42ml per kilo per day, or 30ml for a person weighing 70kg.
It is recommended that a treatment should last for a maximum of three months with one month off between treatments.
Children can of course take colloidal silver as long as the dosage is complied with.
For pets, the same rules apply. So, if your dog weighs 10kg and is sick (curative dose), it should take about 4.5ml of colloidal silver per day.
In rare cases, taking colloidal silver may result in the symptoms temporarily worsening and in increased fatigue; this is called a Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction. This is a positive development. Should it become too difficult for you to manage, we recommend that you temporarily lower the doses by a factor of three before then returning to the doses recommended above.
Finally, colloidal silver has very few drug interactions. Most of the time, colloidal silver will improve the effectiveness of the treatment you are already undergoing. Here is a list of products to avoid using in conjunction with colloidal silver: quinolone or tetracycline classes of antibiotics, levothyroxine and penicillamine.